SPREAD Surveillance Program (Program closed)

SPREAD (Strategy to Control SPREAD of HIV Drug Resistance) is a HIV-drug resistance surveillance program executed under the authority of the European Society for translational Antiviral Research (ESAR). The program results from two European Commission supported programmes (QLK2-CT-2001-01344 and LSHP-CT-2006-518211). Within the SPREAD program clinicians, virologists and epidemiologists from 28 European countries are actively involved in the surveillance of transmission of drug resistant HIV.
The SPREAD program collects representative data to reliably determine the incidence of transmitted drug resistant HIV within different patient groups and to identify risk factors involved.

What has SPREAD achieved?
Establishment of a European Surveillance Program for collection of comparable and reliable data on the incidence of transmission of drug-resistant HIV in Europe:
•    Implementation of a quality controlled laboratory network for HIV-drug resistance genotyping
•    Development of a European database of HIV-drug resistant strains
•    Scientific Surveillance Reports published in peer reviewed medical journals
•    Generation of viral panels, representative for the resistant viruses circulating  in Europe
•    Development and implementation of a European strategy to control the further spread of drug resistant HIV

What is the focus of the programme?
The focus of research is on determination of the prevalence of HIV-drug resistance among recently identified HIV-infected individuals. Within this group a nested longitudinal sub-study is planned.

Primary objectives SPREAD:
•    To estimate the prevalence antiretroviral drug resistance (ARVDR) in viruses from newly diagnosed antiretroviral naive patients from different HIV-1 transmission groups in participating countries of the European Region.
•    To estimate the prevalence of ARVDR in viruses from antiretroviral naive patients with primary HIV-1 infection from different HIV transmission groups in participating countries of the European Region.
•    To analyse time trends in the proportion of ARVDR in viruses from newly diagnosed antiretroviral naive patients from different HIV-1 transmission groups in participating countries of the European Region.
•    To analyse time trends in the proportion of ARVDR in viruses from antiretroviral naive patients with primary HIV-1 infection from different HIV transmission groups in participating countries of the European Region.
•    To analyse the prevalence of various HIV-1 subtypes and recombinants (as determined by the protease and RT genes) among viruses from antiretroviral drug-naive HIV-infected persons and to study the relationship between subtypes and mutational patterns.

If you would like more information about participation in the SPREAD programme, please contact: info@esar-society.eu.